Why do you use the word "retarded" ?


Unknown said...

Because thats how some people act sometimes. I hate using that word

Anonymous said...

I try to not use that word. In fact, I fuss at people who use that word. It is rude to use that word without using it properly. I used to say it because my parents would say it. I did not know what it meant or that it was hurtful to others. I had just grown up hearing it.

Anonymous said...

People said it when i was growing up and never used it towards someone with a mental or physical disorder. It was just another word instead of dumb. If i offend anyone while using it, it usually puts it in perspective for me and I try and use other words.

Unknown said...

I just used this word in the online game. I think we don't want insult. Just voice my mood. Because they are always no-reason death.

Graham Warren said...

If I ever say the word 'retarded' I always say it without thinking about actually how offensive it is to some people. In the time and place, I don't care. But thinking about it now, I realize its not the nicest thing to do.

Unknown said...

I've tried to become more aware of when I do use the term retarded, simply because of the raising awareness movement about how emotionally hurtful that word can be to disabled people. I don't use it frequently but when I do it's more out of habit than anything. It's presented itself as socially acceptable because so many people use it regularly which is why, like getting into the habit of swearing, it's so easy to do.

Anonymous said...

I try not too, but it has become a bad habit. I never noticed how often I say it when I am speaking about something "dumb". It is in very poor taste, but I am working on it.

Unknown said...

I only use the word when someone says something extremely stupid but I never use the word to someone who is mentally or physically handicap.

karen Bezon said...

I have grown up around people who say it. I ve grown accustomed to saying it but to me it just means stupid. I never say it towards people I say it about things like tests or papers or something.

Jordan said...

Whenever I say it, I'm using it as a term that is stronger than the word stupid but with the same general meaning. I do not think about it when I say it. Its just a habit that I developed over time. I try not to use it as much nowadays.

Unknown said...

I do not use this word. I have a younger nephew that has some mental disabilities and it is very sad to see. So I do not use that word or let people around me use it ether.

Aidan McGovern said...

Personally I use this word for its intended use. It is never really an insult as you never use it in a bad context where I was brought up. The word itself does have an actual meaning and if something is "retarded" to slow down progress I still feel like there is no problem in using the word as long as it is has no bad intentions behind the use of the word. After all, we use words to communicate and if that communicates effectively and correctly in a non-offensive way what you are trying to portray then I do not see any problem with using the word.

Anonymous said...

I try not to use this word because it is so inappropriate.

Anonymous said...

I have never gotten into the habit of using the word "retarded" but I don't condemn those who do. Retarded is a descriptive word just like any other word, so if you feel like describing something as "retarded" then feel free to use it. It's just like saying something is stupid, fun, annoying, blue, hot,etc. It's just a descriptive word.

TabathaWard said...

Sometimes I catch myself saying it, I know I should not but it just comes out when I get mad about things someone did that I find wrong.

Anonymous said...

I say this word out of habit with the meaning intended to express how ridiculous I think someone or something is. It was trendy to use the word when I was younger and I eventually caught on. It still slips out every now and then out of habit but I do not use it as often as I used to.

Anonymous said...

It is just a word but I use it in a joking manor to friends and family because they know that the way I us it isn't in the "special" or "hurtful" way.

Unknown said...

I use it to describe someone who I think is really stupid, I know what the word is but I don't mean it in a mean way.

Unknown said...

I use this word mainly because it's the first word that comes to mind when someone is acting "stupid". It is not politically right and I should really expand my vocabulary.

Anonymous said...

When i was younger i used the word as an insult because i was young and stupid. Now, I avoid using the word unless it is in appropriate context, but try to avoid it.

Unknown said...

It describe some people so well

Unknown said...

I don't use this word because it is rude and offensive.

William Jones said...

I try to use the word less now, but when I do slip up and accidentally use it, I am usually just using another word in place of the common ones such as "dumb" or "stupid." I only use the word if it is somebody I know really well.

Krista said...

I use this word only sometimes. I would rather not use it but it is a subconscious thing.

addison byrd said...

I try my best not to because its frowned upon but its just natural to say I guess

Matthew Clay said...

I use the word often because I don't see anything wrong with the word, I believe as long as you are using the word towards something that you do not like or you think is dumb rather than an actual mentally challenged person then it is not a big deal.

Anonymous said...

If I use that word, I never want to be disrespectful to people with disabilities, it just comes naturally if they make me angry or if they act like complete jerks.

Caleb Bridgewater said...

I use it to say someone is acting stupid or dumb but I don't mean for it to be offensive but I have learned to control my tongue a bit better.