Why do you procrastinate?


Anonymous said...

I procrastinate because it feels so good to do anything other than what I know needs to be done. This might be dodging the question but sometimes I actually appreciate when I get headaches so I can't say that I am procrastinating but that I just don't feel well. Oh, I like to wait till the very last minute because then, I feel like I will work well under pressure but really, I don't. Oh my goodness, procrastination is just lovely! To just sit there and do a whole lot of nothing feels so wonderful and this is why I procrastinate. :)

Anonymous said...

Out of laziness. Howver sometimes when I show initiative, and don't procrastinate, the rules change and the work I've accomplished is moot. So often procrastination means I do less overall work.

Anonymous said...

I prefer to call it "prioritizing". The most urgent thing - the things that are "due" the soonest - get done first. Thus, if it's not due till next week, I probably won't get to it until next week since there are probably a hundred other things due this week.

Anonymous said...

The only thing I procrastinate is writing.

I'm a writer, so this is kind of a problem, duh... but ever since I can remember my brain has been trained to go into this mode where things marinate and process until The Last Minute, when I scribble it all down. If i sit down before The Last Minute, nothing but garbage--half baked ideas and poorly-worded thoughts--comes to me. I can sit there all day and the magic won't happen. This used to frustrate me and scared my editors (Where is it? Why can't we see it yet?). But finally I just came to terms with it and now at least I don't stress. I just know that the night before an article is due, or the month before a book is due, are going to be marathons for me... just like in college, sigh.

Anonymous said...

because i get to busy with other things that are more fun or that I would like to do more...and i just don't get the other thing done until the very last minute. Also, it probably doesn't interest me so i put off doing it as much as possible!

Anonymous said...

I have difficulty motivating myself without the pressure of a deadline. If it is not fast approaching I normally can't focus and work. I, however, know my limits, and though I may cut it close, I still alot enough time to deal with snags if they were to come up.

Anonymous said...

I procrastinate because i'd rather be doing something else at the time i should be doing what i should. I tend to work well under pressure anyway.

Anonymous said...

This seems the perfect question to answer as that i am late in responding to this blog...the reason was simple enough...i didn't put myself into a situation in which responding on time was possible...but the answer may lay a bit deeper in the fact that in my mind i could place this at a lower priority than that of, shall we say, eating lunch or going to work. Because of this hierarchy of situations and issues i have to maintain each day, the items lower on the list continually get bumped until the day comes and i arise to find that it has clawed its way to the top of the list because it has to be done today!...either that or i'm just lazy...haha

Anonymous said...

The only thing I truly procrastinate to the point of creating tension within myself and others is writing. I have always felt that what I write has to be perfect. That is a daunting expectation, and I find excuses to do anything else while I percolate about the perfect sentence/ introduction/whatever. Before you know it I am paralyzed and can't write anything down without editing it two or three times and finally erasing it. I start to despise the subject and my awful lot in life for having to write. Now I start using this example of failure to make myself feel even more terrible and anytime I start to write I find myself feeling scared (are you really going to finish this? what if you fail again? are you sure that's the right sentence?) and I can sabatoge myself all over again. I suspect these procrastination problems with writing are emotional and deal with feeling of self-doubt and worry.

Anything else I procrastinate is usually out of an ideal fantastical misconception about how much time is truly in the day. The low priority item never gets done until it becomes so annoying I make it first on the list!

detroit dog said...

I think it's a fear thing. Avoidance due to fear. Doesn't matter the (il)logic of the fear, only that it exists.

Anonymous said...

I agree that you procrastinate out of laziness. There could be signs of other problems unlying as depression, afraid to be confronted by someone so we put off doing something. This is why I procrastinate.

Anonymous said...

I procrastinate because sometimes when I wait at the last minute I usually end up getting good results on my papers. Then there are times where i'd have ok papers. I don't do it intentially, I guess I only do it when the teacher assigns the work over spring break and wants us to have it in after the break

Anonymous said...

I procrastinate because of the way I was raised. I saw others doing it, and they seamed to be fine. I am having more problems with it now that I am in college. I work on it all the time. I am trying to, as Barny Fife says, "Nip it in the bud."

Anonymous said...

Procrastinating for me is an enjoyable yet torturing event in my life. I enjoy not doing the assignment, but at the same time I feel anxious and stressed about that assignment because it isn't finished. I do it because there is the possibility of the assignment changing, or the possibility more work will be assigned due before that other assignment.

It's a love/hate relationship.

Anonymous said...

I procrastinate because it feels good to not worry about working on an assignment until later. Without procrastination, I think, I would be a much more stressed person.

Anonymous said...

Simply because I work best under pressure.

Lissie said...

I think that some people put off doing certain tasks because on their (often subconscious) fear of failure.

Anonymous said...

I procrastinate because I know it will eventually get finished so why waste my time beforehand when I could be doing something else. I know myself and I am positive that I will get it done. i also get it from my sister...

Anonymous said...

I tend to procrastinate because i complete tasks better when i know i have to do it. Also, sometimes i get lazy and just put things off.

Anonymous said...

I procrastinate because there is always something else that seems more important or interesting. A lot of the times I procrastinate because I do not know where to begin with the task.

Anonymous said...

I do procastinate a lot and i can't even figure out why i do that.I guess i work best when the deadline is fast approaching.I set out stuffs to do but will end up not doing it until the last minute.I will always tomorrow,one more hour...Maybe more 30 minutes..I still can't figure out why i do but that makes me feel better

AC said...

I don't really have an answer for this but I wish that I knew. It is strange but it seems that I work better under pressure. Despite the fact that I make myself sick trying to complete a deadline at the last minute, it seems to be the only way that I can truly sit down and get the job done and done well. I wish that my creativity always flowed freely. If this were the case, I could complete assignments without making myself sick!
*It would also be nice if I did not have too much to do and so little time to do it. Sometimes trying to balance a hectic period of your life can be too much and procrastination seems to be the only way to keep things moving! If that makes any sense???

AnnakDavis said...

I procrastinate because I have a million things I'd rather be doing than what I'm supposed to do. I also work better if I'm under pressure so procrastination can sometimes help me in the long run.

RLS said...

I procrastinate because I enjoy doing other activities, like sleeping, hanging with friends, and watching TV.

LP said...

I procrastinate because so many other things will seem more interesting than what needs to be done. Plus, why do it now when you can do it later?

K Hunter said...

I procrastinate because I often feel like there is something better to do. Instead of doing an assignment, I can watch a movie or skype a friend. Essentially, it is laziness but I chose to justify otherwise!

Channing McLain said...

I procrastinate because there are times where I do not feel like doing what I need to accomplish because I'm tired or had a bad day. Procrastination is not always a bad thing.

Anonymous said...

Procrastination is fun. It involves doing things that you choose to do rather than what you know you need to get done.

Jessica T. said...

I have no idea why I procrastinate. At the time it seems like the best option. There's always something better on tv or something better to do then what is in front of me. I seem to wait til the last minute for a lot of things. Sometimes it is a good thing for me. There are times when you need a day to be lazy and not think about getting anything done. Then you have the times when it just adds unnecessary stress.

Unknown said...

What is the difference between doing it now and doing it later? I still am going to do it and I feel more motivated to do it once I am close to the deadline.

Whitney Moody said...

I procrastinate for so many reasons. I just always say ahh i have time to do it later, and then i am usually stuck to do it at the last minute.

Donna said...

I procrastinate because I just dont want to do anything until I have too. I guess I procrastinate because both of my parents did. I have tried to get out of this habit,but it has been hard to do. I have noticed that I have passed this trait to both of my sons.

Landon Trotter said...

I procrastinate because when I have something due I feel that there is other stuff I could be doing that I would rather do. Honestly though when I get something done early it makes me feel good about myself and care free. Procrastination is a habit that I need to shake loose of.

Unknown said...

I procrastinate because I always think I will have time to do it later, but then I always wait until the last minute. It is just hard to get motivated sometimes.

Unknown said...

I think pretty fast on my feet, and I handle stress well in most situations and over the years I think that has caused me to procrastinate more just because I know I will be ok. Another reason is if I start early on a project it doesn't seem to want to come out right. So I can spend 2 weeks doing something....or just 1 day and produce almost the same quality. Now if I am writing a paper I try to have all my research done in advance so all i have to do is sit down and do the paper.

bmjordan said...

I don't intentionally procrastinate, but I have so much to do that they always get pushed back until they HAVE to be done.

Unknown said...

I procrastinate because I have convinced myself that I work better under pressure. Further, I feel like I'd rather have another day or moment of freedom and cram later than get ahead on school work. There are always things I'd rather do than the thing I'm putting off so when I can, I'll choose those other things. So far, there haven't been any real consequences.

Todd said...

I get distracted by other things, or other people. It takes time for my mind to go back to what I was originally doing.

Anonymous said...

I procrastinate because I can always find something better to do during the moment that I should be doing something hard or important. I can always thing of something more enjoyable to do and succumb to the temptation of doing this more enjoyable thing. Why put off the inevitable you ask? Because at least I don't have to deal with it today.

Alex D. said...

I procrastinate because it's so easy to do. There's always something more entertaining to do other than what I should be doing. My Xbox and Netflix account are big contributors to this habit. I really don't handle stress that well either so it causes me to just drop everything I'm doing. It really defeats the purpose though since it all catches back up to me.

Shali said...

I am a major procrastinator! I know that I should start the task but then again its like I just dont have the motivation to do so. Procrastinating is so much more fun and easier to do and handle than to actually do the task needed.

Anonymous said...

Because I am good enough to wait and still succeed.

Anonymous said...

Its extrememly easy to do especially if I have something to do that I consider more fun or intriging.

Anonymous said...

I procrastinate because it helps me to avoid things that I find unpleasant or think will be hard to do. Well it helps me to avoid them for a little while at least. I also find that when I know its due and have that pressure on me I tend to get it done and think of things I hadn't thought of before.

Anonymous said...

I procrastinate because i feel like it dont need to be done until the day before and i be busy with a bunch of other things so cant really start something before time unless i take more time out of my day in order to do it and i need my down time

Anonymous said...

I procrastinate because I put off things that I don't want to do.

tennisman128 said...

I usually procrastinate when I don't feel like doing something that I need to do because of lack or interest or just would rather do something else.

Anonymous said...

I do tend to procrastinate somewhat for certain things...usually doing housework because I sometimes have a hard time getting motivated.

Stephen A. said...

I procrastinate because I'm pretty laid back and don't like to do things instantaneously. It's very stressful on my family sometimes because they're go-getters half the time

Anonymous said...

I procrastinate things that I dread. I have an four page paper due tomorrow and im just now beginning to work on it. Its not a smart idea but its a terrible habit that I have.

Anonymous said...

I procrastinate things that I dread. I have an four page paper due tomorrow and im just now beginning to work on it. Its not a smart idea but its a terrible habit that I have.

Anonymous said...

When I prcrastinate, I feel more accomplished when I start on an assignment at the last minute and finish right on time. If I get something done early, then I just get bored and have nothing really to do.

Sydney Tatum said...

Usually I procrastinate because it feels great to not have anything to do. Since I am in college, I don't have much time to just sit around and it feels great to be able to do so.

Cassie Elliott said...

I really wish I knew the answer to this question! I always promise myself that I am going to quit procrastinating because it stresses me out but I feel like I get my best work done whenever I know I have to focus and get it done! It never fails!!!Curse you procrastination!

Sarah said...

I do not mean to. It just happens when I get busy or just do not want to do the work. A lot of times I put it off just because I do not like the assignment.

Abigail Coppala said...

If I have a lot on my plate, I may wait until the day before a paper is due to get started on it because I can use my stress to focus me on what I have to do and not get distracted by friends wanting to hang out.

Anonymous said...

I procrastinate because I am not confident in my abilities. Yes, some of it is because I am lazy, but the most part is because I am scared of how whatever I am doing will turn out.

Unknown said...

Its just so easy to do, also I procrastinate because I do my best work when I am under pressure.

Alexandria said...

I procrastinate because I get caught up in other things then forget when stuff is due. That or I just dread it so bad I do not start it till last second.

Michelle Foster said...

There is always a never-ending to-do list!

Anonymous said...

I'm more motivated when I'm working towards a deadline. It's exciting.

Katelyn Lane said...

I procrastinate because I have always been a poor manager of time. I also procrastinate because I simply do not want to do something.

Bria said...

I usually procrastinate because my schedule gets so busy during the school year, that I try to catch up on sleep, so since I cant get homework done while sleeping, it gets pushed back a couple of days.

Anonymous said...

My best work is done when i am under pressure

Anonymous said...

I do not want to procrastinate. I do not enjoy it, yet I still do it. I have a hard time focusing when I know I do not have to get the project done right away. This leads to me putting it off until I do not have much time, then I am able to focus and I rush through the project to get it done.

Unknown said...

Procrastinating is one of those things that you don't want to do and tell yourself you won't do, but do it anyways because you run out of time or find other activities to do instead. The reason I procrastinate is because I'm a perfectionist. I like to finalize plans at the last second to ensure they are perfect.

Anonymous said...

Typically is is simply because of poor time management, or not having enough time.

Anonymous said...

I usually have so many things to do that I stress about how much I have to do that I never actually get the stuff done until the last minute when I absolutely have to.

Anonymous said...

I don't want to do the work early, so I put it off till later. I work well under stress and still make good grades.

Anonymous said...

I procrastinate because I will take as much time to accomplish a task as I have allotted for it. If I have a week to finish a project, I will take a week. If I have a day to finish a project, I will take a day. I work best under pressure.

Anonymous said...

Quite honestly, I stopped making up excuses for myself and why I procrastinate. However, when I procrastinate, I do better work as opposed to knowing the due date is months away. When I get my adrenaline pumping, trying to rush and get whatever it is done, I suppose it's kind of a habit.

Anonymous said...

Because I try to avoid things I do not want to.

Anonymous said...

If I am procrastinating there is something else I would rather be doing instead or I am too busy throughout my day I do not want to keep working.

Unknown said...

I usually have a lot of other things that are stressing me out, and it's easier to let some of them go to give myself a break.

Elijah Shelton said...

I procrastinate because I can still get the work done. Sometimes I do not have a choice because I work, but others days I procrastinate because I know I will still be able to complete the task. I work well under pressure and get good grades, so I have not had to make myself stop procrastinating.

Leah Smith said...

I tend to procrastinate because I know my time limits and feel I can meet those deadlines. I work well under pressure.

Ashley M said...

I tend to procrastinate as long as I know I can meet the deadlines without stressing too much. It is the easier option when faced with the choice to get it done or wait. I feel like I know how much I can procrastinate and how much I cannot.