I think people curse to express the fact that they dont have a word in mind to describe the situation their trying to explain. Plus I think it emphasizes more emotion when telling a story or conversating. I heard someone say that cursing is the confession of a week mind.
What is so wrong about cursing? Is it the word or the emotion behind the word? I would argue that it is the meaning behind the word - the emotion. If that is the case, then to say dang instead of damn conveys the same meaning - the same emotion. If one wants to use a Biblical arguement for why cursing is wrong, then one has not read one's Bible well. In the oringinal greek Paul use the word Hell No, as well as Shit in his cannonical epistles. Why? Because these words capture the correct emotion that he was trying to convey. I am respectful to other, however. I do not curse around those who would find it offensive, and I strive to reserve the words for use only when such strength in needed.
People learn from friends, parents, etc. about cursing. My cursing was the envirnoment I was raised in. You believe it is the norm for most families until you get into the real world, realize it is not the norm for society. After a few years, I finally change my behavior and language.
I curse to show anger. I only do it when I am extremely mad at someone and I want them to know...to prove a point. Therefore, I do not use curse words in an everyday conversation....it sorta seems like a lack of vocabulary when I hear someone using them in regular sentences.
I curse to emphasize or make a point of what i am trying to say. I think people curse because of their surroundings. If you grew up in a family or environment that used profanity most of the time, most likely you will get used to hearing those things and adapt to them.
Usually when I am really mad or if I hurt myself, curse words just seem to be an easy way to express those emotions. It is also influenced from my family because it is the only time when they would curse
I think that I curse in order to try to express strong emotion or get a point across. I don't tend to curse in everyday conversation but when I am upset or angry, sometimes I use curse words to express that. It's something that I need to continue to work at refraining from!
Cursing is sometimes just a dialect. People use replacement words and phrases all the time but for some reason people have negative connotations to some words and not others. I believe that words are just words and it's the motivation behind the words that really count.
I think I curse subconsciencely. I dont plan on cursing it just comes out of my mouth. I curse more when I am at home. when I am out in public, especially around children I am more aware of what comes out of my mouth.
Because I have a simple vocabulary to truly express my frustrations. It is also something that I find people can understand on a universal scale (in America at least). If I swear people will know something is wrong.
I think it is habit more than anything else. I try my best not to curse around those that are offended by it but slip back into it when I am around others that do. Like others have said the emotional strength of curse words is stronger as well. If you hit your thumb with a hammer "Gosh Darn" is simply not going to cut it.
I curse because I see nothing wrong with cursing. It is the expression of an emotion and it is the emotion that is bad (anger or sadness) not the word used to express it.
Cursing is strangely therapeutic for me. When I'm angry, it takes more energy to hold in cuss words than just to let them out. In fact, I feel better if I just cuss about a situation. I feel like it's just a way of expressing myself. I once read about a study that had two people put their hands in ice cold buckets of water. One was allowed to cuss and one wasn't. The person allowed to cuss was able to hold their hand in the water twice as long. The participants switched and yielded the same results. So yea, I'm just saying...
I curse because it feels like a release of emotion or anger that can't be expressed through "censored" words. I also sometimes do it just because it makes something sound funnier. It also bothers me that certain words have certain connotations attached to them when they have a synonym that isn't considered as bad. One just has a negative connotation attached to it.
I curse because I got in the habit when I was young and thought it was cool. Now I am trying to stop because I think it sounds ignorant, like my vocabulary is so small that I cannot find other words to say.
I know it's bad to do because it shows a lack of vocabulary to explain the way you are feeling but it is just easier and feels better when I say a curse word to describe how I feel.
I sometimes curse because, like others, it conveys emotion better than a similar, less intense word...like damn instead of dang, or hell instead of heck. The words just have a different feel to them.
I used to do it ALL the time and finally I stopped. But sometimes a word slips when I am extremely angry. It takes a lot to push my buttons, but when someone eggs me on or I find something out about someone that really ticks me off, I may say a word without thinking.
Sometimes i feel that it gets my point across, other times it is because i am around it and it makes it a habit. When i get mad i curse, like in basketball games i curse for that reason. When i hear others cuss a lot i look at them as ignorant, but then i catch myself doing the same thing and realize how dumb i sound.
I mostly curse purely out of habit. It is just part of my culture and I do not realise if I put a few "f" bombs in the middle of my sentences when I am speaking. It also is a nice way to relieve anger when I do realise that I am cursing and is a great way to get your point across to someone and express your emotions if needed.
I curse when I get angry. It is a bad habit I have picked up later in life. When I use those words, I feel that I get out all my frustration and it makes me feel calmer after doing so.
I curse because it is what i grew up around. As bad as it sounds the kids in my elementary school class cursed, which made me want to start. I thought it was cool back then.
I usually curse when I'm mad or I'm trying to get a response out of someone. I do it out of habit. I don't believe it is a good habit and I should really stop but it's hard to break.
The older I get the more it has become part of my daily language. I know when to watch my mouth, but if around an adult crowd profanity is the least of my worries in a casual scenario.
I curse because it's my choice, and I think it's dumb that people think it's bad. It's part of my regular language, and it's expressive. For instance, if I drop a weight on my foot in the gym, you bet I'm going to drop an f-bomb instead of "oh my". That hurts and the f-word expresses how it made me feel.
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I think people curse to express the fact that they dont have a word in mind to describe the situation their trying to explain. Plus I think it emphasizes more emotion when telling a story or conversating. I heard someone say that cursing is the confession of a week mind.
What is so wrong about cursing? Is it the word or the emotion behind the word? I would argue that it is the meaning behind the word - the emotion. If that is the case, then to say dang instead of damn conveys the same meaning - the same emotion. If one wants to use a Biblical arguement for why cursing is wrong, then one has not read one's Bible well. In the oringinal greek Paul use the word Hell No, as well as Shit in his cannonical epistles. Why? Because these words capture the correct emotion that he was trying to convey. I am respectful to other, however. I do not curse around those who would find it offensive, and I strive to reserve the words for use only when such strength in needed.
People learn from friends, parents, etc. about cursing. My cursing was the envirnoment I was raised in. You believe it is the norm for most families until you get into the real world, realize it is not the norm for society. After a few years, I finally change my behavior and language.
I guess I curse because cursing was always around me when I was little. I remember saying a curse word to my 1st grade teacher.
I curse because it is just part of our everyday language. There really is no point in it.I guess it is just ignorance.
I curse to show anger. I only do it when I am extremely mad at someone and I want them to know...to prove a point. Therefore, I do not use curse words in an everyday conversation....it sorta seems like a lack of vocabulary when I hear someone using them in regular sentences.
I curse to emphasize or make a point of what i am trying to say. I think people curse because of their surroundings. If you grew up in a family or environment that used profanity most of the time, most likely you will get used to hearing those things and adapt to them.
Usually when I am really mad or if I hurt myself, curse words just seem to be an easy way to express those emotions. It is also influenced from my family because it is the only time when they would curse
I think that I curse in order to try to express strong emotion or get a point across. I don't tend to curse in everyday conversation but when I am upset or angry, sometimes I use curse words to express that. It's something that I need to continue to work at refraining from!
Cursing is sometimes just a dialect. People use replacement words and phrases all the time but for some reason people have negative connotations to some words and not others. I believe that words are just words and it's the motivation behind the words that really count.
I think I curse subconsciencely. I dont plan on cursing it just comes out of my mouth. I curse more when I am at home. when I am out in public, especially around children I am more aware of what comes out of my mouth.
I curse because in the moment I can't think of another word to use. It expresses something i'm extremely passionate about or something I despise.
I often curse to put emphasis on my current emotion.
Because I have a simple vocabulary to truly express my frustrations. It is also something that I find people can understand on a universal scale (in America at least). If I swear people will know something is wrong.
I think it is habit more than anything else. I try my best not to curse around those that are offended by it but slip back into it when I am around others that do. Like others have said the emotional strength of curse words is stronger as well. If you hit your thumb with a hammer "Gosh Darn" is simply not going to cut it.
I curse because I see nothing wrong with cursing. It is the expression of an emotion and it is the emotion that is bad (anger or sadness) not the word used to express it.
Cursing is strangely therapeutic for me. When I'm angry, it takes more energy to hold in cuss words than just to let them out. In fact, I feel better if I just cuss about a situation. I feel like it's just a way of expressing myself. I once read about a study that had two people put their hands in ice cold buckets of water. One was allowed to cuss and one wasn't. The person allowed to cuss was able to hold their hand in the water twice as long. The participants switched and yielded the same results. So yea, I'm just saying...
I curse because it feels like a release of emotion or anger that can't be expressed through "censored" words. I also sometimes do it just because it makes something sound funnier. It also bothers me that certain words have certain connotations attached to them when they have a synonym that isn't considered as bad. One just has a negative connotation attached to it.
I curse because I got in the habit when I was young and thought it was cool. Now I am trying to stop because I think it sounds ignorant, like my vocabulary is so small that I cannot find other words to say.
Im use to cursing because i seen everyone around it do it so i guess its a bad habit caught on by peers or my parents
I know it's bad to do because it shows a lack of vocabulary to explain the way you are feeling but it is just easier and feels better when I say a curse word to describe how I feel.
I sometimes curse because, like others, it conveys emotion better than a similar, less intense word...like damn instead of dang, or hell instead of heck. The words just have a different feel to them.
I do it because it helps me vent some of my frustration when I find out or do something unpleasant
I used to do it ALL the time and finally I stopped. But sometimes a word slips when I am extremely angry. It takes a lot to push my buttons, but when someone eggs me on or I find something out about someone that really ticks me off, I may say a word without thinking.
Sometimes i feel that it gets my point across, other times it is because i am around it and it makes it a habit. When i get mad i curse, like in basketball games i curse for that reason. When i hear others cuss a lot i look at them as ignorant, but then i catch myself doing the same thing and realize how dumb i sound.
I curse because people irritate me and talking calmly a lot of times doesn't work. So I curse to get my point across.
Because it can get my point across about different subject and because i have for many years and it is hard to stop.
I curse when I'm extremely frustrated and mad. It just comes out.
I mostly curse purely out of habit. It is just part of my culture and I do not realise if I put a few "f" bombs in the middle of my sentences when I am speaking. It also is a nice way to relieve anger when I do realise that I am cursing and is a great way to get your point across to someone and express your emotions if needed.
I curse when I get angry. It is a bad habit I have picked up later in life. When I use those words, I feel that I get out all my frustration and it makes me feel calmer after doing so.
I curse because it is what i grew up around. As bad as it sounds the kids in my elementary school class cursed, which made me want to start. I thought it was cool back then.
I usually curse when I'm mad or I'm trying to get a response out of someone. I do it out of habit. I don't believe it is a good habit and I should really stop but it's hard to break.
The older I get the more it has become part of my daily language. I know when to watch my mouth, but if around an adult crowd profanity is the least of my worries in a casual scenario.
I curse to help me express my frustration in an irritating situation.
Because sometimes there's not a word with enough sting to get my point across.
I curse because it's my choice, and I think it's dumb that people think it's bad. It's part of my regular language, and it's expressive. For instance, if I drop a weight on my foot in the gym, you bet I'm going to drop an f-bomb instead of "oh my". That hurts and the f-word expresses how it made me feel.
I have cursed on occasion because if I am feeling stressed or overwhelmed, it feels good to express my feelings and vent.
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