Why do you bite your nails?


Anonymous said...

I have always bitten my nails ever since I can remember. I mainly bite my nails because I get really anxious and the nervousness just causes me to do that. I have tried to stop and I can do it for a while, but when I get really stressed it just comes back.

Anonymous said...

Biting my nails has always been a natural habit induced by stress. I get worse during school and normally do fine otherwise. It's not really a conscious thing, but more a way to get out nervous energy.

Lindsay Reynolds said...

I bite my nails in response to stress. I normally am worse during school and get better during summer and breaks. It is not so much a conscious habit as it is a way to release nervous energy.

D.G. said...

I bite my nails out of a very old habit that I have had since I was about 10 years old. I do it now, without any recognition that I am actually doing it. It is an autonomous action that I do throughout my day without any thought. To be honest, I do it because I always have.

jarrydjackson said...

Lol biting my nails is my number one habit. Although I currently have nothing on my fingers to bite, I still find ways to pick at every little piece of nail. I am not sure why I bite them. People say it is because I am nervous, but in reality, I am far from nervous. Biting my nails just makes me feel good.

Anonymous said...

I find myself biting my nails when I am anxious about something. I am a golfer so when I participate in tournaments I get really nervous so I bite my nails to take away from my nervousness. I try to paint my nails and keep them long but I end up biting them again while in a situation that makes me nervous or anxious.

Anonymous said...

I bite my nails because I can never find a nail clipper to trim them when they get to long. When they are long enough to stab my palm when I write then it bothers me and I need them shorter immediatly

Anonymous said...

I bite my nails because I can never find a nail clipper to trim them when they get to long. When they are long enough to stab my palm when I write then it bothers me and I need them shorter immediatly

Bethany said...

I don't like my nails long, so it's become a habit to bite them whenever they start to look long. It's probably a habit that I need to break, but I do it so subconsciously that it will be hard to stop.

Jocman said...

I have always bit my nails and i guess its a habit and is some that i do because i hate long nails.

Caitlon Jacoby said...

STRESS! I bite my nails during test and don't even know I am doing it. If I'm not biting my nails, then I will bite the inside of my cheeks.

Anonymous said...

Because I cannot stop!

jess9790 said...

I have bitten my nails for most of my life. I have tried many solutions to stop but I plain and simply have not been able to.

Victoria Henderson said...

Biting my nails is another habit of mine, a habit that I have had for as long as I can remember. I bite my nails when I am nervous, uncomfortable, or feel awkward. I have done anything and everything to break this habit but I relapse once I reach a stressful point in life.

Sylvia said...

I bite my nails due to anxiety. When I am anxious or very stressed out I bite my nails. Even when I study or when I am taking tests I find myself doing this. It is a nervous habit that I cannot control. It is almost as if it calms me down for that point in time. It is a terrible habit to have but I have the urge to do so under pressure or stress.

sarah garrett said...

I bite my nails when I get nervous. Biting my nails brings me comfort in some way and I'm not sure why or how. It is a terrible habit that I am trying to break.

Anonymous said...

I bite my nails because I am bored, anxious, or tired

Anonymous said...

I started biting my nails in high school, and now I just can't seem to stop. I try to stop, but the stress of school and work makes it hard for me. Biting my nails is a stress reliever for me.

Katie Long said...

I bite my nails when I worry and because I don't like them long.

Anonymous said...

Biting my nails has been something that I have always done. I have gotten better at not biting them as I've gotten older, but I still bite them when I'm anxious.

Sarah said...

Because it is addicting and once you start it is hard to stop. It is a habit I do when I'm nervous and bored.

Unknown said...

I bite my nails when I get anxiety. If I am in a uncomfortable situation or I am upset, I result to biting my finger nails.

Anonymous said...

I bite my nails when I am nervous or really bored. Normally I get to gnawing on them while I watch a movie.

William Nance said...

Just a habit. I have been doing it ever since I was a kid.

Abigail Coppala said...

I bite my nails whenever I'm nervous or anxious or hungry. When I'm in a room full of people and I don't know any of them, I'll bite my nails or do some other tick of mine because I'm not comfortable. Sometimes I don't even realize when I do it, especially when I'm deep in thought or preoccupied with something.

Clayton E. said...

I usually bite my nails if I am anxious to complete a task, or if I am nervous. I also bite my nails if they look too long. I know this is a bad habit to have, and I should just use finger nail clippers.

Anonymous said...

I do it without thinking. When I am nervous, board, or just did not have gum. I don't mean to, and I wish I could stop.

Anonymous said...

I have bitten my nails ever since I've had teeth. It is the WORST habit to break for me. Sometimes i am not even aware that i am biting them.

Unknown said...

I bite my nails without even thinking about it, but I usually only do it when i reach that level of boredom.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I bite my nails when I'm nervous. I try to break the habit with the nail polish that tastes bad, but I get used to the taste and still bite my nails.

Dani said...

because I'm anxious and gum has calories

Unknown said...

No need to pay for a manicure when you can do it yourself by biting your nails

Katelyn Lane said...

I bite my nails when I get nervous. It is a bad habit I have always had since my childhood.

Becky Clayton said...

I bite my nails because I am stressed.

Anonymous said...

It's a nervous habit.

Anonymous said...

I honestly do not know why I do. I have always done so, and cannot seem to break the habit.

hdburnette said...

bad habit. I do it when I'm bored or nervous.

Anonymous said...

I usually bite my nails when I am nervous or if they are too long and I don't have a nail trimmer near me.

Anonymous said...

It's an unfortunate habit!

Rachael Webber said...

Growing up, I had a very stressful childhood as my parents were divorced so i was nervous a lot. So biting my nails became a habit for me. I just have not been able to break this habit and I am 21 years old now.

Anonymous said...

I bite my nails now as a bad habit. I have never like long nails, so I like to keep mine short and biting them is the quickest way to get the job done. I do this whenever i am stressed, or whenever I am super concentrated because it give me something to mess with.