Why do use the bathroom with the door open?


Anonymous said...

Because I'm bored and eating gives me something to do.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes i use the bathroom with the door open because either no one else is home so there is no reason to close it, or i am just comfortable with the people that are in my house and i know that they wont barge in

jess9790 said...

I generally close the door when I use the bathroom. However, there are times when I am home alone and my familys open door mentality has gotten me embarassed.

Anonymous said...

I use the bathroom with the door open because its my house and it makes me feel more comfortable.

Timmyc said...

because I am either home alone or home with just the wife around.

Amanda Sexton said...

That is the way my household was growing up. I am a female who lived with my mother, sister, and two female cats. There was nothing to hide. Now I have nothing to hide from my husband, so why bother? I like to keep the doors open to keep the heating in all the rooms adequate.

Anonymous said...

I use the bathroom with the door opened when no one is home. Also, in my bedroom I do not close the bathroom door because I am the only person who would go in there to use the bathroom so I do not see a point.

Sarah said...

I only do this at home and when I am in a hurry.

Braleigh Angel said...

If I am at my house I typically do not close the door when using the bathroom. The only time I would close the door when at home is if there are a bunch of random people at my house, which hardly ever happens. The reason I leave it open is because I know my family would not just barge in, and even if they did I am comfortable enough with my family that it would not bother me.

brianna said...

I use the bathroom with the door open only when I am at, and no one else is there. I would not use it with the door open if there were people home, or I was in a public place

Anonymous said...

I live alone and I never close the door to my bathroom or bedroom. If I didn't live alone, I would close the door. Also, my dog likes to come in the bathroom while I am there, so he needs to be able to come in, too.

Michelle Foster said...

It is my home and I am comfortable with doing it!

Anonymous said...

I do this while I am at home, nowhere else. Like Braleigh said, I am comfortable enough around my family to do this.

Anonymous said...

I am comfortable in my home and don't feel the need to shut the door.

Anonymous said...

I live by myself, so I don't really freak out if I forget to shut the bathroom door.

Anonymous said...

I do this when I'm bored, but wish I didn't! it also provides comfort if I'm feeling sad.

Anonymous said...

When I'm home and no one else is, there is no reason not to!

Anonymous said...

It is a habit. Usually its just my family that is home.

Tayla Clay said...

The door of the bathroom is 99% of the time open. I have a daughter who does not like for me to leave her and will scream and bang on the door for me to open it. If it is already open no need for all the screaming and knocking on the door. Also, everyone in my house I am comfortable with seeing me use the bathroom if they wish to see me that way.

kseniichka said...

Because there is no one home or I am comfortable with people.

Anonymous said...

I only do this at homes and with people I am comfortable with. It is sort of just a habit of mine. Especially if it is an emergency, then I just run into the bathroom because there is no time to shut and lock the door. Everyone uses the bathroom so it should not be a big deal to see someone pee.