Why do you gossip?


Anonymous said...

I think gossip is often a conversation starter. Common ground at someone else's expense.

Gossip can also help build comraderie. Not healthy common ground- but I don't think I always process that when it's going on.

Anonymous said...

I honestly have no clue I mean...as hard as i try...it just happens. Not saying its right and I seriously am trying to work on it...i guess its a girl thing. You always want to know what other people are doing or saying, to make sure you aren't or are for that matter doing the same thing

Anonymous said...

We know gossip can destroy a relationship or someone life but we continue to do it. Is it right? No. But people in the workplace, friends, church, and neighbors all do it. I do it. Wish I didn't but could choose not to be a part of it.

Anonymous said...

Gossip can destroy lives, marriages, and friendships. I still do it not meaning for the converstation to be gossip but it ususally sounds that way. We should be extrememly careful not to disclose personal information to others

Anonymous said...

gossip helps no one. It can destroy families, relationships, and lives. I do gossip but didn't realize it at first, thought the talk was on causal talk. Until a person close to me was hurt from a comment I made. Now I am trying not to express my feelings but just listen

Anonymous said...

We need to be aware of our comments and discussions not to damage other relationships. Until a close friend was hurt by a comment I made did I realize that it was plain gossiping.

Anonymous said...

When I am bored at work...I gossip. My coworkers and I have nothing better to do, so why not just talk about other people!

Anonymous said...

It is something we all do at one point of another. I do it to be "in the know" with my friends and to stay up on celebrity gossip.

Anonymous said...

I think we gossip because there are people out there who can't live without drama in their lives so they need something to occupy their time. So they have nothing better to do except gossip. Basically they have no life..

Anonymous said...

Because when you are surrounded by others who are gossiping, sometimes it is hard not to get involved. I also gossip sometimes when I am angry with someone. Avoiding gossip is almost impossible. I think sometimes you get involved in gossip before you realize that you are gossiping. It is not good to gossip about others, but yet it still happens, everyday.

Katie Hopkins said...

I gossip because deep down my insecurities feel resolved if I bring out flaws of others. Although this is not something I want to do, I think it is honestly where it comes from.

S.S. said...

It is something tht is interesting. I like knowing what is going on. Maye it is a person defect to what to know the good, bad, and ugly about other people, but it is very entertaining. I will ad mist that some times it is out of eed to feel better about mysef or to tear someoneone down how has hurt me.

J.L. said...

I gossip, many times, to start a conversation with someone i do not really know.Gossip is something that i think everyone does but may not realize. I think that so many people gossip that it is hard to have a conversation without gossiping about something.Also, many times i gossip to try and find out information, because i hate being left out of the loop.

lp said...

Sometimes I gossip without even realizing what I'm doing. After all, you see people every day and you see the way that they behave. Why would you not talk about something that makes up a good portion of your day?

K Hunter said...

I often gossip because it allows me to take part in conversation and a sense of community. Sometimes, it happens without me even noticing, which is sad to say. I feel like gossip is a part of our society, and everyone takes part in it in one way or another.

Jessica T. said...

I gossip because it gives a group something to talk about. If some of my friends are gossiping, I will join in with them. This makes me feel welcomed in the group. This is a TERRIBLE trait to have. It's something I am not proud about and hope to quit. I don't want others to gossip about me, so I shouldn't gossip in return.

Anonymous said...

I gossip because I like to know what's going on in other people's lives. I guess you can say I'm nosy. I don't like to gossip hurtfully - to degrade someone. But I like to hear about who's doing what.

Donna said...

I gossip about things I know are a fact and that are not secret. There are times that I have talked gossip about stuff I am not sure about. Sometimes gossip is a great way to get a conversation going. I am a nosy person and I want to know whats going on with everyone.

Kate D said...

Often it's to have something to do or talk about. It's also a good way to start a conversation. Gossip isn't always negative.

Unknown said...

I gossip because it provides a way for me to relate to my friends and other groups. I don't always intend for it to be mean but it's entertaining. Everyone likes to talk about someone else's life.

Alli S said...

A simple conversation often turns into gossip without the person even realizing it. When a group of people are together, and they have common friends, they will typically be brought up as subject of conversation. This is very gossip makes its prominent entrance.

Abigail Coppala said...

It is a very addicting habit that is easy to take on. Everyone does it, not always purposefully, but it is inevitable and unavoidable. I get caught up in what someone is telling me that until it's too late, I don't realize what we're doing.

Anonymous said...

I gossip because I like to know other people's business. Gossip is the only way I can stay informed about what is going on in other people's lives. Also, it is and easy ice breaker. There is always something to gossip about.

Alexandria said...

I gossip because I get caught up in the worldly things and I find myself caring more about them than the things that matter in life. I need to stop.

Anonymous said...

It's usually a good conversation starter.

Becky Clayton said...

I try not to gossip, and if I do talk about someone then I usually tell the person. I really try to stay away from negative talk especially. I have caught myself at time though falling in with the group, but I really try hard not to. I do tell my husband about my day, including the people interactions I had, it helps relieve the frustration and stress.

Anonymous said...

My friends do it and it gives us something to talk about when there are moments of silence.

Bria said...

I gossip because it is usually the easiest thing to talk about with people you do not really know, and i do it with my friends because it is fun.

Anonymous said...

To feel wanted and cool.

Unknown said...

Honestly, when my life isn't interesting enough, gossiping is the only thing left to do. It's fun to know about other people and how their life is different or similar to our own.

Anonymous said...

It is helpful to start a conversation. Wish I would stop though!

Anonymous said...

When I want to tell someone something that is interesting about someone else.