Why do you smoke?


Anonymous said...

I smoke because it helps me to relax and gives me something to do with my mouth and my hands. Not to mention I like the after taste

Donna said...

I started smoking when I was a teenager. I felt this was something my parents had no control over and it help me to relax and to have something to look forward to when I wanted it. I come from a home of poverty and physical abuse. My dad was an alcoholic who was abusive to my mom mostly. Sometimes he was to my sisters and I. This was something I could do and he couldnt really say anything about, both of my parents smoked. Everyone my parents hung out with smoked. Smoking was part of my everyday life through family and friends. I am a little older now and both of my parents are gone. But I am still smoking. Now smoking is a part of my everyday life. I have tried to quit several times. BUt the urge is stronger than my will.

Jake Miller said...

I smoke because I am addicted and haven't found a good enough reason to quit. It is a way for me to trick myself into handling stress. If I'm stressed, I smoke. I started when I was 16 and haven't been able to effectively kick the addiction since then. I am fully aware of its long term effects and the negatives of it. People, however, find it necessary to tell me the things that I already know about smoking, get off my back.

Michelle Foster said...

Benefits outweigh the consequences? I don't know. It gives me an outlet.

Anonymous said...

Not because of an addiction, but I have really bad anger issues. It helps me calm down.