New - Why do you get drunk?


Unknown said...

I don't often, but when I do it's with friends and it makes for great stories the next day. Plus, everything just seems more fun.

Nick Craney said...

It is a very care free feeling and I takes away a lot of barriers that would normally keep you from saying or doing something you would normally do. Thats not always a good thing, which is why I only do when I am around good friends.

Lakely said...

I am a total light weight so when I have one drink then I am drunk. I do not drink that often and it has been like a year and a half or more since I did. But when I did go out with friends to like celebrate someone's birthday I would usually have more than one drink. And I would be completely drunk and I did it because I was just out to celebrate and have fun and not think about everyday life.

Anonymous said...

I know my limits with drinking and usually drink to have a good time with friends. The worst feeling in the world is knowing that you drank too much, and i try to never get to that point because i have been there and it ruins the night for not only you but others that you are with.

Unknown said...

relax and have fun with friend.

Michelle Foster said...

It helps me unwind after work. It just soothes my nerves and allows me to rest.

Anonymous said...

It makes me comfortable to socialize with people.

Aidan McGovern said...

I got drunk because I enjoy it. It relieves stress and is a very social thing to do. It is a great way to get self-confidence and have fun. It is also a big part of my culture being from Ireland so I have never seen anything wrong with getting drunk.

Anonymous said...

Personally I enjoy the taste of alcohol, be it a whiskey or tonic and gin. I do not regularly drink to drunkenness, but drink regularly. When I get drunk, it is usually because I simply drink too much and don't mean to.

hburnette said...

social event. If my friends are doing it, then I will.

samara said...

I like to drink with my friends. It gives us a time to just goof off and have fun. It makes me more social and helps with my anxiety!

Rachael Webber said...

I like the way it makes me feel and I only do it every now and again. So I think it is a good way to let loose and have fun with friends as long as you are safe!

Anonymous said...

I usually only get drunk with friends whenever we want to have a good time and make memories. Drinking takes away the nerves of having to socialize with new people, and it makes for lots of laughs. I genuinely enjoy the taste of wine, and i like to drink it with my dinner sometimes.